Deer Hunting Season in NY
Yes, it's hunting season in New York once again. For our hiking and biking friends, yes you can share the woods with those who are after Bambi's deadbeat dad. Be sure to wear bright clothing at all times and stay on the trails whenever possible. If you think there may be hunters around, make your presence known by talking. The primary issue with hunters is not your presence, it is that your scent will scare off deer. But they have no more rights than you to be in the woods. But let common sense prevail on both parts.
I personally have NEVER heard of a hiker or biker being shot by

Thanks to Patsy Sweet for this "after season" photo from last year. If he can survive a season in the woods, you can survive a couple of hours out hiking.
Roger -
Labels: biking, deer, deer season, hiking, hunting NY, Lake George, Thousand Islands
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