Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Eco-Tour

This Northern Parula Warbler stole the Easter Parade show at Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge in DeLeon Springs, Florida. Cyndy Barrow heard it, Dave Baker called it in, and Arnette Sherman snapped this great photo. About 25 people enjoyed the entire show on this Easter Sunday hike sponsored by the West Volusia Audubon Society. We spotted about 25v species of birds, and had a great time doing it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Upcoming Florida Events

I'll be in Florida in a few days to attend classes to finally finish my Master Naturalist training program through the University of Florida and the IFAS program.
While there I will be leading a couple of free programs that are open to the public. On March 22nd there will be a night hike at Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge, sponsored by the Friends of Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge.
The next day, Easter Sunday, bring the family out to walk off that Easter dinner during a scopes tour of the refuge sponsored by the West Volusia Audubon Society. We
will give you a daylight tour of the refuge with a 60 power scope to see wildlife, "up close and personal".
For the details and more information go to: www.RogerFulton.com and click on Events.
See you there!

Kicking up my Snowshoes!

I'm happy! As of Monday, March 12th, we finished the last trail for the book 25 Great Cross Country Skiing/Snowshoeing trails in the Lake George, NY Region. And that happened just before a great March thaw. It will be out in time for next year's Winter season. Watch for it then!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Mike on snowshoes!

We finally got Mike on snowshoes as we trekked into Jabe Pond near Hague, NY. He did very well considering it was his first time. He's a bit camera shy, so this may be the only view you ever see of him. We had a great day. Jabe Pond is trek number 23 of 25 trails for the new cross country skiing/snowshoeing book. The end is very near.