Sunday, June 21, 2009

It's summer and Bass season is open!

Bass season opened on the third Saturday in June; June 20th. So it's time to get out there and get them before the Pike and Musky get your dinner before you. And, if a Pike of Musky comes your way, they can be your dinner as well. :-)
We got out the other day as this photo shows. We didn't dazzle them, but we had a GREAT day!
Enjoy the summer !

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lake George Event - Wildflowers - June 20th

The Times Emporium, 6-8 N. Williams Street, Whitehall will host a guest speaker, Author, and historian, Roger Fulton, of the Lake George Area, from 2 -4 pm on Saturday June 20, 2009. Roger Fulton, noted Common Man Book author and outdoorsman, and Diane Collins, a local wildflower photographer, have teamed up to write a spring wildflower book for the Lake George Region. Their unique approach includes GPS readings to help you locate interesting spring wildflowers along ten trails in the region. His power Point Presentation will tell you where to go to explore the ever-changing world of this region’s most interesting spring wildflowers.
Fulton says “I enjoy nothing more than sharing my knowledge and love of the outdoors with my clients, either personally or through our numerous travel guide books.” Light refreshments will be served. There is no fee or purchase required to attend the presentation. All are welcome to attend. For further information call Marge Mohn at 518-499-2435.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bicycling in New York

We wondered if bicycling is truly a dangerous sport in the U.S., or is it fear-mongering by the media? So we did some research.
There are roughly 80 million bike riders in the U.S. who bike, at least 6 times a year.
Now, look at what that is in terms of zeroes. 80,ooo,ooo,ooo.
And our calculator can't handle that number.
And in 2007, roughly 700 bike riders died, nationwide. Even if it was 800, you do the division if you can on your own calculator. The precentage is miniscule. Unless you, or your loved one, was one of those.
About 540,000 bicyclists sought treatment at Emergency Rooms in 2007. And 67,000 of those had head injuries. One-half of all injuries were persons under 16 years of age.
So, our conclusion is that if you bike, be careful. And, wear a helmet.
Other than that, go out and enjoy bicycling; both on and off road, wear a helmet, and get older than 16.
This is a public service announcement, and a pro-bicycling announcement as well.
Please explore our biking books for Northern NY and Central and Northeastern Florida at:
Thanks for stopping by,

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lake George Bicycling

Event – Part of the Lake George Outdoors Series at the Crandall Public Library

June 22nd, 7 pm – Bicycle Trails of the Lake George Region
Local bike trails link Fort Edward, Hudson Falls, Glens Falls and Lake George, but you have to know where they are and how to access them. There are many other regional locations where you can get out on bikes and enjoy the great outdoors in our area. That’s why outdoor writers Roger Fulton and Mike Carpenter decided to include these great trails in their new book, 25 Interesting Bicycle Trails in the Lake George, NY Region. They have included both on and off road trails in their book, from Exit 18 to Ticonderoga, and east to the NY/Vermont border. In a Powerpoint presentation at the Community Room of the Crandall Public Library, they will cover the basics of biking in the area, as well as talking about where to go and how to get there. Join them June 22nd at 7 pm.
Check out all of their Lake George Outdoors titles at: or contact Roger at:, or via