Thursday, January 13, 2011

Future book orders

As of January 31st we will be dropping PayPal as a way to order our books. As of that date you may still order individual copies of our books through, but only via mail with a check. This will include all of our NY and FL outdoor trail guides, as well as all of our Law Enforcement and Management titles
So if you want to order any of our books and pay with a credit card, y’all want to do it now.
Best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2011,
Roger Fulton

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snowshoeing in the Lake George region

With the recent storm you have plenty of snow. So get out and enjoy it! We've got THE definitive book for you to find places to x-country ski and snowshoe in the Lake George region. Our retail outlets are having trouble keeping it in stock. If you can't get it from them, you can order online at:

We'll take PayPal payments up until January 31st.

Thanks for your time and attention,
