Sunday, February 27, 2011

Northern New York - Spring events

Hello to my frozen friends in the North Country. Y'all been through a tough winter - snow, cold and gray. But all that will change in about 30+ days. Spring is coming, I promise!

1. When it does we will roll out our new book on canoeing/kayaking in the Saratoga Springs Region - 1st or 2nd week of April.

2. Around the same time we will resume our quest to complete the ADK Firetower Challenge. We'll keep you up to date on THAT Blog as we progress all summer. Book to follow!

3. The wildflowers will also start to bloom and we'll do a Spring Wildflower Tour based on our Lake George Regional wildflower books.

So hang in there! The end of winter is near, despite the 10 inches of snow you got this weekend. :-)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Updated blog - ADK Firetower Challenge 2011

We finally have gotten all five of the firetowers we have reached up on our other blog. Go to: to review them. We only hope that the other 23 or so will be as much fun as the first 5. If you are also doing the Challenge, let us know. We may be able to do a few together. In the meantime, stay warm and dry. Spring is coming!