Monday, September 26, 2011

Parks & Trails NY - Finger Lakes Conference - 2011

Parks & Trails NY is a non-profit advocacy group for opportunities for hiking and biking in New York. I had the opportunity to attend a GREAT conference they put on in the Finger Lakes Region of New York this past weekend. They brought together regional trail advocates, land trust people, government officials and outdoor media representatives. There were seminars on funding sources, trail design and a host of other courses. It was a well organized and successful conference. You can learn more about Parks & Trails NY, and their advocacy events on their website at: Watch for future conferences like the one this weekend. It was a valuable resource for the outdoor community. In this photo Vince Scalia of the Cayuga-Seneca Trail Association is explaining how they are using local donations of time/service to add to the grants they are obtaining from public and private sources for their newest project of a linear canal park. He stressed that "patience" might be your greatest asset on such a project.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Coles Woods - Glens Falls-Queensbury September 18th

Nine outdoor enthusiasts took a wildflower walk on Sunday, September 18th, 2011. The group was made up of ADK members and others. It was a GREAT day. Good weather and we found a surprising number of wildflowers still in bloom. We used our Summer wildflower book to identify them. If you missed the trip, get out there on your own before the hard freezes. Coles Woods is featured in our Lake George hiking, biking and snowshoeing books. Check them all out at: or
