Monday, April 29, 2013

Upcoming Event - Wildflower walk

Sunday , May 12, 2013 – In Search of Spring Wildflowers

Join naturalist and author Roger Fulton on a free wildflower walk at Lime Hollow Nature Center, just outside of Cortland, NY from 3-5 pm. Meet at the Nature Center at: 338 McLean Rd., Cortland, NY 13045. Call Roger at 386-956-6089 if you need additional information or directions.

Roger Fulton is a noted outdoor author of several regional hiking, biking and canoeing/kayaking guides for Northern NY and Florida. In addition he is the co-author of two NY wildflower books. You may check out all of his titles at: or

Join him if you can.

Media contact: Roger Fulton, co-author, 386-956-6089,,

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pratts Falls Park, Onondaga County

We are starting to work on trail guides for the Finger Lakes Region in addition to our already published trail guides for the 1000 Islands, Lake George and Saratoga Regions of New York. This past weekend we visited the Syracuse Area Outdoor Adventurers Meetup Group for their annual picnic. It was a very cool and blustery day, but this 137 foot waterfall was running strong. We hiked the trails and enjoyed a great picnic, even if it was only 44 degrees with a strong wind. A great time was had by all -- And we have a new set of trails for our future books. Thanks for checking in.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Hiking in Upstate NY resumes - Spring 1013

It arrived late but this proves that spring has finally come to upstate NY. These are actual flowers outside my door. We haven't seen their wildflower counterparts yet, but the snow and ice have been disappearing and some green has been seen. It's time to get out and enjoy the dry lower level trails. Save the mountain trails for next month.