Monday, December 28, 2015

This Blog is ending

As of December 31st, 2015 this Blog will end. All future entries will be on the Blog JoinRogerOutdoors on my webpage: under Adventure Blogs. Please join us there and at one of our many "future events" listed there.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Deleting this Blog - But with a substitute blog

To all of our loyal NY viewers,
Nearly 10,000 of you have viewed this Blog and I thank you for your loyal support over the years. But in the next few days we are going to consolidate this Blog into our Join Roger Outdoors blog because we are so seasonal.
So, please shift your subscription/favorite setting or whatever over to:
It will cover most of our meetups, announcements and activities on a seasonal basis. Central Florida in winter and Upstate New York in the spring/summer and fall months.
That's it. A simple switch over and we are all good.
Thanks again for your loyalty and we will continue to help you get out and enjoy the great outdoors via our continuing entries.
To do so on your own, please check out all of our outdoor titles on my webpage at: for both New York and Florida titles as well as our Safe in the Woods and other titles and programs.
Thank you for your continuing support,

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Christmas Trees and Books at Lime Hollow

Lime Hollow Nature Center, 338 McLean Road, Cortland, NY 13045 has just announced that their sale of fresh Christmas Trees is now available:

November 28, 9am-6pm
Start of extended hours for our annual Christmas tree sale!

And, they also carry some of my local book titles in their gift shop, and many more outdoor books and gifts. Great stocking stuffers! Stop by and see them this season. It'll solve a lot of your shopping needs in one stop.