Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

As we give thanks for our bounties and share a turkey or ham dinner with our families and loved ones, we must also remember to have mercy on the person who wrote this letter to the editor.

All we can say is, "Here's your sign!"

Best to all for a great holiday season.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Tick warning!

We just spent several days in the field in Northern NY. Ticks were a serious concern. On one day I took 7 ticks off of my clothes, and one off of my body.
The deer tick, officially known as the Black Legged Tick is the one that causes Lyme Disease. You don't want that disease. It makes the H1N1 virus look like a weak contender.
So, if you will be in the field, hiking, biking, hunting or looking for mushrooms, check you and your companion for ticks that evening. Might even be fun after a couple of glasses of wine. :-)
Roger http://www.rogerfulton.com/

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

All of our Guidebooks

A poster and an order form for all of our titles has just been posted by LARAC at: http://www.larac.org/docs/ads/NovDec09Fultoninsert.pdf
They make great Christmas presents for your outdoors friends and family. They are a gift that they will keep and use year round in many cases.
You can also check out all of our titles and order Online at www.RogerFulton.com
I'm traveling for the next week, but we'll fill all of those orders for you when I return and I promise you'll easily have them before Christmas.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Historic Bridge, Hadley, NY

In researching our future Saratoga kayaking book, we ventured up the Hudson River to where the Sacandaga River and the Hudson River converge in Hadley, NY. We took our own modern photos of the historic bridge there. But Fran Williams of Corinth, NY turned us on to this 1880 picture of the same bridge, as it was at that time. Note the train going over the other bridge!
Thanks Fran!

But all of you will have to wait for our modern day photo that will appear in our Saratoga Region canoeing/kayaking book due out in the Fall of 2010.

Please view all of our current outdoor titles at: http://www.rogerfulton.com/

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